Monday, November 12, 2007
Better Late Than Never
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
My Fall Update
God is so GOOD! He has blessed our family of three beyond what I could have hoped. Though my human nature wants to everyday align myself with MY will, I know I have pledged my life to something different and that means MY will does not exist.
Malaya had a day out of school a few weeks ago and we were going to go to the fair but after sitting in traffic for over an hour we exited off, had some lunch at Landry's and then went to the Dallas Aquarium which is amazing!! We also celebrated my dad's b-day all day which was fun!
The next week we took Malaya out of school early and we did go to the fair!! It was a great day! Some Bizaillion relatives (whom we have never met nor know) sent us Flat Stanley so here is a picture of Malaya holding up Flat Stan with Big Tex!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Okay, okay...
Here are the rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (if you don’t have a blog, email me)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. I have never gone one night in my life without a bath ( if I must, a shower) but I definitely prefer the bath. Baths are the closest thing to heaven on earth!
2. To go with #1, I always go through all 3 steps of my Beauti Control EVERY morning and night. My day does not begin until my teeth are brushed, my contacts are in and my face is clean.
3. (This habit has developed in the past 3 years.) I can not STAND for my finger nails to be long. I have to cut them at least once a week. I will say, I am not a nail biter, just a cutter.
4. I LOVE wheat thins. They are my new favorite snack. They must be the simple original kind.
5. I get pretty addicted to reality television (Bachelor, American Idol, The Hills, etc.)
6. I get car sick very easily. One jerky turn, one slam on the brakes and my equllibrium (sp??) is thrown. I have never actually vomited from it but I can get pretty sick. That is why you will see me driving most of the time instead of David!
7. I LOVE to work puzzles! In fact there is a 1,000 piece puzzle out on our card table in the living room now. Malaya has got on to my love!
8. I am a verge Obsessive compulsive as you can see by some of my list but I think this one tops the cake. I am quite sentimental...Let me see if I can articulate this...Each day I think, for example, "This is the only 10th of September of 2007 I will ever live." "This is the only 4th day of second grade Malaya will ever have." etc...I know, a little depressing.
So there are some of my surface interesting facts. :) If I go deeper you will think I am a nut case.
Now, i tag anyone who is reading this and hasn't made their list yet.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Summer Vacation
As soon as we got there we all jumped in the lake. It took us a while to get Malaya in. The idea of swimming with snakes and fish was not appealing to her. We got this picture and she did not stay in too much longer!
We had a huge deck. We had dinner each night on the deck. This was the sunset the first night! So beautiful and of course an even beautiful site is the little girl posing in front! God created the perfect backdrop!
Grampy and Grammy with their grandkiddos.
Two of my loves!
One day David had the greatest idea to go to an Orchard to pick strawberries, blueberries, figs, etc. Well, the orchard was deserted. We were the only ones there. No workers, no other visitors, NOTHING, NOBODY!! BUT... we still had fun. We found a few berries that were alive and we got a few tomatoes. Malaya and Jed enjoyed just walking around. It was TOASTING hot so most of the fam spent time under the shade. On top of the heat, when it was time to leave I realized (out of my excitement to be there) that I had locked my keys in the truck. My "can do anything", sexy hubbie, was able to open the sliding door on the back of the truck and we got in!! I LOVE HIM!!
The Chillin Trio
Some inner tube fun! This was my favorite day!! I got thrown around like a ragdoll back there but it was so much fun! I have bruises and cuts to prove my determined self! Every muscle in my body hurt for a few days.
The Ross children decided to take a ride together! I laughed so hard! They graciously gave me the middle. I can say I was the last one off. Ha!
David got Jed and Truitt matching, reversible Astros hats. Mom also got them matching shirts. Aren't they handsome boys!
Josh teaching his son the important things of life early on...
On the last day, Malaya went fishing and as soon as she put the pole in she caught a catfish. That would be in the exact same spot that we had been swimming all week. No wonder she didn't want to swim:) We were very proud of her catch but after that one fish she was done :)
I love you, Kayci! Next year you will be back in the saddle to play again!!!;)
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Summer Fun
David and I celebrated 9 years of marriage last month! He is such a hottie and gets more and more so each year! Malaya adores him! He has been working his tail off this summer but God has really blessed his business. It is growing!!!! YAY!!
Jen and Jed came and spent a few days up here and we spent a day at the zoo. Malaya loves Jed so much. He is such a fun kid!!
More highlights that lack pictures:
We got to go see John Mayer in concert. We had a great time with friends and the concert was amazing. John Mayer is such a fabulous musician. I now own each of his cd's. :)
I have gotten to lead a bible study on Wednesday mornings. I don't know all of the people very well but it has been such a gift to get to know these women in a spiritual sense b/c that is our genuine essence.
Malaya and I went and registered for second grade today. I can not believe I am a mother of a second grader!! She is so precious to me. I am really going to miss her when school starts:(
And now for the biggest highlight of this summer.......
THE PREMIERE OF HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited!! I think even more than Malaya!! And now I am going to close this blog to watch them on the View!!
Enjoy the rest of your summer!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
It's Been a Whirlwind!!
A few more updates:
The day we got out of school my SIL (David's sister), her 4 kids, and my MIL all stayed with us for 5 days!!! We had the best time. Have I mentioned before how much how love Dina! She is amazing!! I praise God for her friendship, her Godly wisdom/example and her conversation!
Malaya went home with them for 4 days. It was a little rough on me and Malaya but we made it through. I bawled for a few hours after she left but made it through with some entertainment from a friend. :) Malaya is going to 2 VBS's this week and is loving it, though she had to miss yesterday b/c I think her body just wore down!
We have a rally next Thursday at the Potter's House for anyone that is close that would like to come check out KidStand, Have some fun, and worship God with 1500 kids! Is there anything better??? If anything, please pray for the night!
We are looking forward to the rest of our summer. Hope you are having a great one!!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Blessings in Nephews
Such a weird ( in a good way:) stage of life to watch my brothers transition to being daddys! What a blessing it is to see them love their sons so passionately! Kayci and Jennifer are amazing moms! I can't wait to watch their families develop! I tell them both ALL the time (probably annoyingly too much:) that Malaya and I can not wait to babysit!!