Monday, June 26, 2006

Please Pray!

Please continue to pray for Katlyn, my niece. She is fighting for her life right now. Here is the run down of the last few days.She was born at 7:45 Friday night. The doctors were very grim all day about their chances. There were a team of about 10 specialists that were surrounding the birth and took Katlyn the second she was born. They did not want her to even attempt to breath on her own. They immediately put 2 tubesdown her throat and put an IV in her umbilical cord. She was rushed to Texas Children's Hospital which was right next door to St. Lukes's where shewas born. Mark, her daddy went with her. The doctors came in about an hourlater to tell us the status of Katlyn: her heart is on the right side of her body, her stomach is up in the left part of her chest, along with some of her intestines, one lung is squished up against the stomach making it notfunctionable and the other lung is by the heart and has some working ability. The doctors did determine some good news that we had been praying for: She does not have heart failure and her oxygen level has been taken down to 25 %.She is a beautiful baby. She has a head full of dark black hair. She has beautiful dark skin. I got to go in and see her several times over the weekend. She is on a high dose of morphine to keep her from fighting on allthe tubes and of course to keep her out of pain. Every once and a while shewill open her eyes and would look right into mine. She knows her mommy's and daddy's voice. I got to go in once with just Dina (katlyn's mom) and myself. As soon as Dina started talking, her heart rate went up and she started trying to move around. I fell in love with her the minute I saw her. We were able to pray and sing over her. My heart will never be the same...Katlyn will have surgery in the morning to put all of her organs back into place. It will not fix what damage has already been done but the surgery isnecessary. After the surgery, the fight continues.PLEASE pray for her and her family. Mark (dad), Dina (mom), Alyssa (sister,10), Mark (brother, 6), Annette (sister, 4). As of last night they are staying in a Ronald Mc Donald suite just one hall away from the NICU unit.Pray for their strength. Especially Mark and Dina. They are exhausted in every way imaginable. And pray for their sadness.Thanks so much friends and I apologize for all the details. Please just prayfor them...


Liz Moore said...

Jenny, I will be praying for Katyln, her family and yours. God is the great physician and I will be praying that He heals her in a way that no doctor can explain. May all of you feel His peace and presence as you await news. Love you.

Pearson Family said...

Girl, you know it. I think, who will know more about Jesus through this experience?

Bev Ross said...

I am praying - I can't stop. Please keep us posted on the surgery today. May God's grace and mercy and power be made known in that place. May the mountains be moved!

Rick Ross said...

It's Tuesday morning, and just want you to know that I am praying for Katyln and Mark and Dena. Your words and your servant heart touch me.

Amy C said...

I have been praying for Katlyn and your family. Love ya!

Unknown said...

praying still.

Margaret K said...

We are praying for sweet Katlyn. Keep us posted.

Kayla said...

I think Alyssa was your flower girl...AM I right? They are the most precious family...I am so glad to hear the baby is doing well. Prayers for continued health!