Yesterday David and I celebrated 8 years of being married!! YES, before you start doing the math, yes, I was a baby!! The Lord has done some miraculous things in us as indivduals over tha past years. He has taught us about a love that can ONLY can come through Him and NOT us. So anyway--here's to you BABY. You may not want to read on because there is a potential for things to get a little hot and heavy:) JK!!
13 things I love about David:
1)I love going out to eat with you.
2) I love that you can always refocus me on what is righteous.
3)I love that you are so smart. You can find a way to do anything.
4) I love that you don't allow me to stay in a "pitty" place.
5) I love that you care about your health. Even though it is annoying sometimes, I do appreicate it.
6) I get to reap the benefits of #5. I LOVE your muscular physique!!
7) I love your smile.
8) I love that we have secret sign language for when we are in public and in social settings to communicate! ;) Don't even try, I will not reveal our secrets.
9) I love the way you are a committed sport's fan. I love getting into the Astros and Mavs with you. A great date night for us is sitting in the living room with tuna sandwiches, sweet tea, and yelling words at the refs/umps, bad calls, etc.
10) I love going on walks with you.
11) I love going to concerts with you.
12) I love playing Skip-Bo with you. ( I won't even mention what the score is at this point :)
13) I love your kisses ;)
I love you, David Bizaillion. I am excited about our next 8 years together! Thanks for fighting this life with me and for forcing me to be something different than I was yesterday. Thanks for being such a great dad to Malaya. Thank you for constantly seeking ways to be a better parent and allowing God to challenge you. You are such a gift to me! I love you!